Seth’s Mom with Dr. Monique Day

About Seth’s Mom –

So, what about Seth’s Mom? We are the FREE NOW FREE FOREVER premier information, news, entertainment, education web portal.

What started as an idea in 2015 by Dr. Monique Day, Seth’s Mom was launched in May 2017 as a bridge between families and individuals diagnosed with disabilities and the wealth of information, accommodating vendors, and service providers. As the mother of a son diagnosed with autism, she experienced first hand the difficulty with navigating the vast amount of options and advocating for her son. Having supported many diagnosed with various psychological, cognitive, and physical conditions (autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, paraplegia, intellectual disabilities), Dr. Day has dedicated her life to helping others through the same experiences and to providing a virtual “safe space” to connect and offer support.

Here.. we are FAMILY. Stop by Dr. Day’s profile (Doc Mo) and say hello! We can’t wait to hear from you.