Our Process

We have a unique virtual planning process that is built around YOU. YOUR location, YOUR schedule, and YOUR wants and goals.

While we still meet some clients in face to face, most of our meetings are now done virtually. It’s still very personal, but way more efficient. Many of our clients were skeptical of virtual meetings at first, but now find them to be more productive and fulfilling than meeting face to face.

As a primarily “Virtual” financial planning firm we are able to save you time & money while being able to help you – regardless of your physical location.

By combining common modern technology with our human and personal touch, we are helping improve all aspects of financial, investment, and insurance planning for our clients.

We’ve evolved the process and learned that we can be more responsive, more personal, and more effective while helping you wherever and whenever is most convenient to you.

You don’t have to sacrifice family time, work time, stress out in traffic, etc, to meet with us.
In fact, being able to meet virtually has opened our calendar to days and times that we usually would not meet in person (ie, nights and weekends if that suits your schedule).

We specialize in working with families that have unique planning needs where our expertise and experiences can truly help. Especially if you have a child with special needs, an aging parent or relative, or are trying to piece together a plan to survive and thrive in retirement.

Here’s what to expect when you get in touch…

Discovery Call – 15-30 minutes (no charge)

The first step in our process is to do an introductory chat/video meeting. There is no cost for this.

Here, we’ll get acquainted and determine if working together makes sense for both of us.  Don’t expect any specific advice, a sales pitch, or an in depth financial discussion – this is more like a first date. If we like each other, share similar philosophies and interests, and just feel like we would work well together, then we can talk about our comprehensive financial planning process. Before we enter into a long term relationship, we want to get to know you, like you and trust you………and we want you to get to know us, like us and trust us.

If we both agree that we would like to work together, we will review our planning agreement detailing the work that we will be doing for you and your family and go over the costs involved. Click here for our costs.

We will give you access to our client portal where we can start the onboarding process, gather information, and get to work on your plan.

Foundation – 45-60 minutes

This meeting kicks it off and is all about you. We’ll schedule this about a week out from our Discovery Call. We’ll discover your planning goals, explore areas of concern, and review /clarify your current situation. At the end of this meeting, we will schedule a follow up meeting where we’ll review a summary and an initial financial plan, and some basic recommendations.

Foundation II – 45-60 minutes

About a week later, we’ll review and summarize what we discussed in our first meeting, We will also take you through a basic personalized financial plan using the information you provided (ie, goals, current accounts, projections, family info, etc). This will help show how you can work towards your goals and close any gaps/”holes in the bucket” that may be slowing you down.

If we both agree that we would like to work together, we will sign a planning agreement detailing the work that we will be doing for you and your family. We will give you access to our client portal where we can start the onboarding process and get to work on your plan. The cost to move forward after this meeting for a comprehensive financial plan is $1800 (payable in installments).

Structure – 45-60 minutes

In about another week, we’ll take some time to test your plan, look at different options, prioritize, and decide on an initial path based on what’s important to you. We’ll review your goals, concerns, and risks and analyze your existing investments vs. your risks and goals. We’ll also identify your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, outline the main areas of focus, and put a timeline together for how we’ll manage your plan.

Action – 45-60 minutes

Now we’re ready to implement your plan. We’ll put your strategies in place to work towards your goals. We’ll review an implementation road map and timeline which will help make your plan a reality. This is where we’ll allocate investments, obtain any necessary insurances, address legacy planning, and make sure we cross the T’s and dot the I’s.

Maintenance – 45-60 minutes

We’ll need to periodically review and update your plan. We do this on your schedule, but no less that one time per year. While your plan and investments are updated daily, in real time, life events pop up so we need to keep your plan updated. We’ll send out a review letter and checklist/questionnaire before your review so that we don’t miss anything. We’ll also keep in touch as things happen in the world that may affect your plan (ie, tax law changes, investment rebalancing, etc).

Ahead of all of our meetings, you will receive a link to attend a Zoom meeting, a checklist of documents to have available (and pre-upload to our secure planning portal) and an agenda of what we’ll be discussing.

Ready to get started? Click below to schedule a Discovery Call to see if we should work together.