The Advocate Blog

Here we talk about the new bill that was passed making a few notable changes to investors of all ages, and especially those getting ready to hit the big 7-0. The RMD age was changed to 72 and Stretch IRAs now have a limit of 10 years. These are two of the biggest changes for us and our planning but there we plenty more. Listen to the podcast to here a few extra changes.

We go over an article we found that discusses a few things you should do before the year comes to an end. We talk about some of the important things to get done before the year is over as well as some of the not so important things! Let us know what you think and thanks for listening.

Here we discuss bad financial information on social media. There is bad information everywhere, but we notice it the most on social media over the past few years due to its popularity and ability to reach millions of individuals. Articles with crypto currency experts and ads titled “This stock could be the next ___ (ex. Apple, Amazon)” are too common. A lot of big platforms are doing their best to minimize the spread of bad information and poor sources, but in the end just make sure to do some extra research yourself. Be careful out there!

Happy Thanksgiving! We (Colin and Ryan) share their key advice that they would give to anyone they meet. There is not much cookie cutter advice out there, as everyone has their own personal financial situation, but there are a few pieces of advice we think everyone can benefit from. We talk about online savings accounts and getting started planning early. Thanks to Lori, our main compliance reviewer for LPL Financial who gets all of our content out on time. Happy holidays to you!! Let us know what you think!


We are back after a hiatus of a few months. Sorry for the lagging of content. We were helping a lot of clients and working hard but we are back and making the time to bring back the podcast as strong as ever. Stick around because we have a lot of new cases and topics to talk about.

This podcast discussion is about the difference between financial planning and investment planning. Financial planning is looking at the big picture : a collaboration of estate planning, tax planning, investment planning, insurance planning, healthcare, etc. Multiple professionals working together to help an individual reach their goals. It takes a team to make a financial plan come to life.

This podcast is about insurance in general. It describes some of the different kinds and how we use them to plan, especially for special needs planning. We use both cash value/permanent and term insurance depending on the situation. We may even use Universal Life, which is a combination of whole life and term. It all depends on your situation!

This episode is a conversation between Colin Meeks and myself, Ryan Stark, about our experiences helping people undo some of their financial decisions. We also tell a few stories about when we couldn’t undo something, unfortunately; not everything can be undone.

This is a podcast conversation with Colin Meeks and Ryan Stark. Of course there are more than 3 things that can derail a financial plan, but these are important and a good place to start. Remember to set a plan and stick to it. We routinely suggest not changing the plan unless your life changes. Investing is a long term game.

What is Adult Prep? Check out this blurb directly from their website:

“Adult Prep teaches life skills to high schoolers, enabling them to be able to stand on their own two feet when they leave home. Imparting the skills needed to successfully transition to adulthood, Adult Prep creates a mindset empowering young adults to thrive in their brave new world. Curricula include financial literacy, social skills, college preparation and independent living.”


Phone: 240-514-Prep (7737)


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