The Advocate Blog

This is a recorded episode of our podcast ‘The Financial Advocate’ about timing the market. This is our opinion on trying to buy low and sell high and trying to invest at the right time and why we do not think this is a good strategy for success. We get into some of our investing philosophy! Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions –

This is a discussion between Colin Meeks and Ryan Stark about the value an advisor should bring. We discuss value vs. cost and how a financial advisor should bring you enough value to decrease the effects of the cost. For example, hopefully as advisors we are able to save you enough money so they cost is there, but it does not effect your bottom line because our advice helped you save money in other areas. Also, we hope that we bring enough value to make you feel better about your finances, so the cost feels more like an investment. The word “cost” is usually negative and applies to something you do not want, but an investment is something positive that will benefit your present of future. We do our best to make sure you feel like you are making an investment.

This is another case study where we review the basics of a new case. We can’t share too many details but we are able to share enough to give you a good view or how we work and the common situations we run in to.

About Seth’s Mom –

So, what about Seth’s Mom? We are the FREE NOW FREE FOREVER premier information, news, entertainment, education web portal.

What started as an idea in 2015 by Dr. Monique Day, Seth’s Mom was launched in May 2017 as a bridge between families and individuals diagnosed with disabilities and the wealth of information, accommodating vendors, and service providers. As the mother of a son diagnosed with autism, she experienced first hand the difficulty with navigating the vast amount of options and advocating for her son. Having supported many diagnosed with various psychological, cognitive, and physical conditions (autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, paraplegia, intellectual disabilities), Dr. Day has dedicated her life to helping others through the same experiences and to providing a virtual “safe space” to connect and offer support.

Here.. we are FAMILY. Stop by Dr. Day’s profile (Doc Mo) and say hello! We can’t wait to hear from you.

This is a podcast conversation with Colin Meeks and Ryan Stark. Of course there are more than 3 things that can derail a financial plan, but these are important and a good place to start. Remember to set a plan and stick to it. We routinely suggest not changing the plan unless your life changes. Investing is a long term game.


The National Down Syndrome Society is the leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down syndrome.

Our Vision

The National Down Syndrome Society envisions a world in which all people with Down syndrome have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations and become valued members of welcoming communities.

Information about Ashley:

Ashley is the Director of Government Relations. She works with members of Congress and their staff, federal agencies and state and local leaders to help pass legislation that is beneficial to the Down syndrome community.

Check out their website by clicking HERE – (

Andrew has been with us since the beginning and is the creator of Planning Across the Spectrum. Andrew is an advocate throughout Connecticut and throughout New England for Autism awareness as well as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™  and co-founder of Talcott Financial Group in Farmington, CT.

Andrew received his autism diagnosis late in life which answered a lot of questions about struggles he experienced growing up and as a young adult. Having had this experience, he has now dedicated himself to aiding the autism community, utilizing his certifications and skills in the financial world, and his own knowledge of an individual living with autism to help people on the spectrum and/or their families and caregivers plan for their future. He as personally experienced many medical, social, educational, legal, vocational, and relational issues that he can now aid his clients with while understanding that every situation is unique. He provides guidance for life decisions and resources that are available that may not be known about or easily accessible for average citizens. He helps individuals navigate the realities of living in a world that can be complicated to pilot with special needs.

Check out more great information of their website: Planning Across The Spectrum

Do you have a parent or spouse that may need to consider moving into a nursing home? This episode describes one way to prepare for nursing home costs and it is called the Medicaid Compliant Annuity. It offers you a way to save the hard earned money you saved over the years rather than spend it all in the first 2 years of nursing care. This is an annuity that only married couples can use, so if you are married or know a couple that could use this advice, please share!  We have been using these annuities to help individuals for over 10 years but we still find most people have never heard of this technique before. If you have any questions, email or call us at or 410-663-0700.

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